Everything to know about Ball Valves and Butterfly Valves

This Blog will cover everything you need to know about Ball Valves and Butterfly Valves, from applications to maintenance and more. First, let’s see a short definition of Ball Valves and Butterfly Valves.

Ball Valves - Definition:

A ball valve is a form of quarter-turn valve that uses a pivoting ball that has been drilled through to control flow. When the hole is in line with the flow direction, it allows fluids or gasses to pass through. Alternatively, when the ball is turned 90 degrees, the flow is stopped completely. In either case, the handle serves as a visual indicator of the valve’s status. If the handle is parallel to the valve, it's open. In contrast, if the handle is perpendicular, the valve is closed.


At Ridhiman Alloys, we manufacture and supply premium ball valves of the highest quality. This has made us one of the biggest Ball Valve Manufacturers In India

Butterfly Valves - Definition:

A Butterfly valve is a quarter-turn rotational motion valve that is used to stop, regulate, and start flow.

Butterfly valves are easy and fast to open. A 90° rotation of the handle provides a complete closure or opening of the valve. Large Butterfly valves are usually equipped with a so-called gearbox, where the handwheel by gears is connected to the stem. 


We, at Ridhiman Alloys, manufacture and supply premium butterfly valves of great quality. This has made us one of the best Butterfly Valve Manufacturers In India.


Next, we'll see where Ball Valves and Butterfly Valves are used the most and a few tips on how to maintain them.


Ball Valves - Applications:

The following are some typical applications of ball valves:


  • Air, gaseous, and liquid applications requiring bubble-tight service
  • Low-point drains and high-point vents in liquid, gaseous, and other fluid services
  • Instrument root valves
  • Cooling water and feed water systems
  • Steam service


Butterfly Valves - Applications:

Butterfly valves can be used across a wide range of applications. They perform well in large volume water applications and slurry applications. The following are some typical applications of Butterfly valves:

  • Cooling water, air, gasses, fire protection etc.
  • Slurry and similar services
  • Vacuum service
  • High-pressure and high-temperature water and steam services
  • Compressed Air or Gas Applications


Maintenance of Ball Valves and Butterfly Valves - Quick Tips:

Keep ‘Em Clean:

One of the easiest ways to extend the life of your valves is to clean them. Everyone will have different cleaning intervals but it’s best to clean your valves at least once per year. If your environment is dirty or dusty, you should clean them more frequently. The easiest way to do this is to use a towel or wire brush to clean the valve casing. Keeping it clean will prevent buildup on the valve stem and other moving parts, maximizing the life of your valve.



Routine Inspections:

Your valves should be checked and inspected on a consistent basis. If you have valves that are under high stress (temperature or pressure), you should monitor these valves more often than others. Pushing a valve to its limit will cause it to fail more quickly.

Make sure the enclosure is properly exhausted. Ensure that bolts, nuts and other hardware are tight. If possible, open and close the valves to make sure they aren’t seized. If you find any leaks, they should be addressed immediately. Leaking valves are a leading cause of fugitive emissions. Leaks are easily noticed by seeing mineral buildup or corrosion on the casing. You should also test valves that are typically static to ensure that the valve position indicator is providing an accurate reading.


Scheduled Shutdown Maintenance:

Over time, mineralization, rust and corrosion will affect the parts inside of your valves. Yearly plant shutdowns are the perfect time to go over your valves. Take them apart, clean the insides, and replace any worn or broken pieces. In addition to metal parts, there are a variety of rubber and plastic parts that might need to be replaced. If you notice parts that are brittle or rotting, replace them as necessary.


If you’ve been looking to buy Valves, read on to find out who is the best manufacturer of all types of Valves.

Best Manufacturer of High Quality Valves

Ridhiman Alloys, one of India’s biggest manufacturers of various valves such as Ball Valves, Butterfly Valves and other products, is also the fastest growing Ball Valve Manufacturers In South Africa and Ball Valve Manufacturers in Pune.


Our products are made with cutting-edge technology and inspected by the most experienced 

industry professionals. This is why we are the most trusted:



Now that you’ve seen who manufactures the best valves, why wait? 

Go now and visit Ridhiman Alloys to buy valves at great prices.